We now offer an automated market watch setting that you can turn on!  For every buyer's closed transaction, an automated market watch email report can be set up!  This is a GREAT way to provide something of value and stay in touch with your clients!!! (With a 80% click through rate, this is a VERY powerful email marketing piece!)  I have both print and video instructions below and we can do this FOR you as well! Simply email and ask us to set up your automation. It's SUPER easy to set up yourself as well!!

To turn this on, you will simply go into the COA

Thats it!

This will work on all dotloop buyer transactions moving FORWARD (it will not go back and turn them on for past transactions).

Moving forward, you can see the automatic market watch setups in the customers profile like this screenshot.  (See how it says “Auto Market Watch Report”?):

At anytime you can edit the automatic market watch so that the report is more “granular” but the initial radius and time interval will be set up for you and they will go out, as always, BRANDED FROM YOU!

Here is a video of the same process outlined above. 

Automated Market Watch Report Setup - Set Once and Forget!.mp4